Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Update: Further Information on Jack Swagger’s Arrest

Jack Swagger, whose real name is Donald Jacob Hager was indeed arrested following the taping of Smackdown Tuesday night, Hager was pulled over at about midnight for speeding.

Hager who is 30-years-old was arrested on charges of driving under the influence, possession of marijuana and speeding, all charges are misdemeanors, he will be due back in court on March, 12.

Now according to the official Wellness Policy of the WWE, the punishment for any WWE employee who is arrested in possession of drugs could be as severe as an immediate release from the company.

“Any WWE Talent, who is arrested, convicted or who admits to a violation of law relating to use, possession, purchase, sale or distribution of drugs will be in material breach of his/her contract with WWE and subject to immediate dismissal.”

This could mean the end for Jack Swagger and the WWE or at the very least the WWE could use the drug charge in lieu of a positive drug screening and fine Hager $2,500. Normally when a talent fails a drug test for marijuana, which is not held to the same degree as other illegal drugs or PED’s, they receive that fine and the company is not under any legal obligation to suspend or fire said employee.

The media hype that has started to pick-up on Swagger’s current gimmick could be his down-fall, as they will be relentless with their attacks on WWE as a company for presenting a man who faces drug charges as a featured act on their weekly television programs. The hype could work both ways, so it will be interesting to see what direction they chose to move forward with. What is known is that Hager’s career as Jack Swagger will never be the same.

Update on Jack Swagger Arrest is now reporting that WWE superstar Jack Swagger was charged with a DUI, marijuana possession, and speeding. All three offenses are misdemeanors but with all the recent attention Swagger has been getting what could this mean for his current push.

Could WWE add this into the current angle or try their best to sweep it under the rug and move forward as planned. As far as my knowledge goes WWE’s wellness policy only fines you for marijuana use and doesn't take action against DUI’s.

Jack Swagger Arrested Following Smackdown Tapings

TMZ is reporting that WWE superstar Jack Swagger was arrested last night in Mississippi following a Smackdown taping that took place at the Mississippi Coast Coliseum.

Swagger was allegedly arrested for committing several traffic offenses. Currently it’s unclear just what Swagger was doing, but it was big enough to get him arrested.

“We’re told Swagger—a former WWE World Heavyweight champ—was taken in by local sheriff’s deputies…and later release on his own recognizance.
We reached out to WWE, who tells TMZ, “Mr. Swagger is responsible for his own personal actions.”

It should be noted that Swagger has come into a lot of media attention since returning to the WWE for his “Tea Party” gimmick. Media outlets such as Fox News have already started to pick up on the current storyline, so it should be interesting to see where the WWE goes with Swagger following this. Currently he is scheduled to wrestle Alberto Del Rio for the World Championship at WrestleMania this year at MetLife Stadium in New Jersey.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

WWE Elimination Chamber Preview

Team Rhodes Scholars versus Brodus Clay & Tensai

To me this is an example of a great thrown together team and a less than entertaining thrown together team. Team Rhodes Scholars were on a roll for a while and I expected them to even pick up the tag team titles for a minute, but it looks like we may be seeing the last of this team as they have already begun to faze them out of the tag team division, and I expect Clay & Tensai to go over them in this Pre-Show bout.

Divas Championship Match: Kaitlyn © versus Tamina Snuka

I can’t recall much build up for this one, which is a shame the way the WWE treats the Divas title compared to the way TNA does their Knockouts. I expect Kaitlyn to get the win and maybe even move on from Snuka, the only real question is to whom? My suggestion would be to Natalya but that would make too much sense.

United States Championship Match: Antonio Cesaro © versus The Miz

I’m looking forward to seeing how this match plays out; both men have done a great job building this feud up. I expect them to have Cesaro go over here and continue forward with a full set of steam, but it also wouldn’t shock me to see The Miz go over with a rematch at WrestleMania.
Cesaro has shown that he can be a big time player now and I think if they continue the push that they are giving him he may end up in the main event quicker than you might expect.

Team Cena (John Cena, Ryback, and Sheamus) versus The Shield (Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns, and Seth Rollins)

They have to protect Cena going into WrestleMania there is no question, so I expect Team Cena to go over. I do think that now would be a great time for an epic swerve and have Cena side with The Shield and turn heel, but doubt that it will happen that way.   I was a little surprised that they didn’t make this in to some sort of gimmick match, but I do think that could all change when the show goes live.

Elimination Chamber Match: Randy Orton versus Chris Jericho versus Mark Henry versus Daniel Bryan versus Kane versus Jack Swagger

This could be a very interesting chamber match, with several storylines being played out. Dolph Ziggler is a major wildcard in both this match and the World Heavyweight Championship match. I expect him to be heavily involved in one or the other.  I expect Chris Jericho to go on and win this match pushing forward the idea that Ziggler will cash in later on and win the World Heavyweight Championship.

We also have the storyline between Daniel Bryan and Kane which can go in a few different directions. I hope that whatever it is leads to them dropping the belts to a good tag team, and moving forward with their feud/storyline.

Randy Orton’s heel turn has been talked about what seems like forever and with WrestleMania right around the corner could this be his turning point? I’m not sure if we see it unfold tonight but I do think its coming.

Then we have the recently returned Jack Swagger and Mark Henry both should make an impact in tonight’s match but I can’t see either walking away the winner. I am curious to see where Swagger’s character is going as it’s a big edgy by recent WWE TV standards.

World Heavyweight Championship Match: Alberto Del Rio © versus Big Show

Since ADR has turned face I’ve become a fan of him, he seems more natural now in the ring, while I do think he was better on the mic as a heel, his sidekick Ricardo Rodriguez more than makes up for that. I think we see ADR go over here which will lead up to one of two things.

A.      He will go on to WrestleMania to face, what I think will be Chris Jericho or Randy Orton, or
B.      He will win the match, but afterwards Big Show will hit him with WMD which will bring out Dolph Ziggler and he will cash in to win the World Title and go on to face Jericho at WrestleMania, which think will happen regardless.

WWE Championship Match: The Rock © versus CM Punk

While we all feel like we know the outcome to this match, I think that the WWE will try and surprise us somehow in this match. With that being said The Rock will still walk out of the Elimination Chamber PPV the champion, but will CM Punk walk out as a challenger to Rock and Cena at WrestleMania or to The Undertakers streak? I think tonight is a now or never moment for Taker, if he doesn't wrestle this year I think it’s time to hang them up.

Side note: No Wade Barrett on the card is a bit surprising, I expect we see a match with him versus Bo Dallas at some time during the night.

TNA Moves One Night Only PPV Tapings

TNA has announced that they will move their One Night Only PPV tapings from March 17th, 23rd, and 24th of March to 17th, 18th, and 19th of the same month, with two shows being taped each day. All of the tapings will still be held at Universal Studios in Orlando, FL. 

Thursday, February 7, 2013

TNA President Dixie Carter Makes Major Announcements

TNA President Dixie Carter appeared on Bellator Fighting tonight on SpikeTV following Impact and made a few announcements.

The biggest one of them all was that TNA has just re-signed Jeff Hardy to a new, long-term deal. This is good news for TNA as Hardy is one of their top merchandise sellers.

The other announcement was four dates and locations for the Impact tapings.

March 14th in Chicago, Illionis at the Sears Center Arena
March 28th in Jonesboro, Arkansas at the ASU Convocation Center
April 11th in Corpus Christi, Texas at American Bank Center
June 6th in Atlanta, Georgia at Gwinnett Center

I know I’m curious to see how these locations will sell for the company, as this is there first real taste of being out of their comfort zone.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Bruno Sammartino to be Inducted to WWE Hall of Fame

Its official, WWE has announced via their website that Bruno Sammartino will be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame this year.

The ceremony which takes place on April 6, the night before WrestleMania 29 already features former WWE Champions Mick Foley and Bob Backlund and former Women’s Champion Trish Straus. You can now put the longest-reigning WWE Champion of all-time to that list.

When asked why this year was the year, after turning them down year after year Sammartino had this to say, “Triple H contacted me and started telling me all the things that had changed and everything that was going on with the WWE. I started watching it after talking to him and when I saw it, I was very, very impressed.”

Triple H added “I love the history of this business, without history, there is no tomorrow. To look back on the history of the WWE, one of the most important figures in the long story of where this all came from wasn't recognized, and that was Bruno.”

Triple H would go on to say a very bold statement, “Arguably the biggest name ever in the history of the business is Bruno Sammartino.”

I’ll have a more in-depth look at the life and career of Sammartino, along with the rest of the Hall of Fame inductees as the road to WrestleMania moves forward.