Monday, February 4, 2013

Terry Funk Pulled From Indy Show by WWE

It’s now being reported by that WWE has pulled Terry Funk from the Pro Wrestling Syndicated show that’s happening during WrestleMania 29 weekend.

Funk was set to appear for the company, but it looks like WWE wants him working with them that weekend. It’s believed that Funk will be a part of the WWE Fan Axxess that weekend along with inducting Mick Foley into the WWE Hall of Fame.

Many have speculated that it would be The Rock who inducted Foley in, but with this news it looks like Funk is favored for the job. Both men teamed with Foley at some point during his WWE career, but Foley and Funk have been long-time friends. Other rumored names to induct Foley were Al Snow, The Undertaker, and Edge. 

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